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About Cooee Inc.

We believe human connection fuels the world; that our need to connect is as fundamental as our need for food, water and shelter.

We are anchored on a commitment to flourish human potential through awareness, empathy and a growth mindset.

Cooee - Kim and Jacqueline
Cooee - Dundee
Cooee - Team photo - Glass Tower Makati City

Who We Are

Cooee is a long, loud, two-note, high-pitched call adopted by the first Europeans from the Australian Aborigines. According to the Australian Geographic, it comes from the Dharug word ‘gu-wī’ which means ‘come here’ but the Europeans noted that the Dharug used it as a shrill call to communicate over long distances. It is distinctly Australian.

If you shout out a ‘coo-ee’ at a sporting event anywhere in the world, you’re likely to get at least one reply.

We build teams and nurture talent. Through offshoring, we help businesses achieve their goals. This belief in the value that partnerships bring, by connecting people and businesses under a common purpose, is why we ventured into offshoring.

Cooee - HR Team - Eden and JJ
Cooee - Extended Leadership Workshop
Cooee - Kick off Party 2023

Our Vision

To have the opportunity to be a part of another’s transformation –

One Person, One Community, One Business

at a time – this is what drives us every single day. This is why we do what we do.

Our vision is one that takes your business a step closer to your vision, a place where you can redefine what it is you do and how you do it. It’s a place where, with Cooee Inc. as your trusted partner, your business significantly lowers cost, you become more agile and your people spend more time in the value-add space.

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