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A week with H (Harry)

It can be stressful to meet with a client because you're anxious to learn new information, anxious to make a good impression, and anxious about what to say and do and how to act around them. Since Harry has been working for our client's company for more than fourteen years, you have great hopes for his understanding of the workings of the company. Meeting a pioneer and learning the factors contributing to the company's success was incredibly energizing for the entire team.

An unforgettable week filled with pleasure, excitement, and a fresh perspective on how to approach and handle all our tasks has resulted from all the feelings that preceded his arrival.

H, highlighted that we are an addition to the business, not a rival to people who are employed onshore. With his behaviors, the way he treated us, and the way he imparted his expertise with us, he gave us the impression that it was real.

After only a week with H, I felt a connection with him. He gave me the impression that he has my back and will support me in all I do. Mistakes are one of the best instructors; the most essential lessons may be learnt by making or observing one, and we both agreed that it is easier to trust someone who makes mistakes and owns up to them than someone who never seems to make one.

Although I was hoping to see our client, what actually happened was that I got to meet my mentor.

Looking forward to your return. More food trips, and hopefully a beach trip with you and the PH Team!

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