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Nats Edirisinghe

Walk the Cooee Way Q2 2022 Winner

Being the Quarter 2 Walk the Cooee Way Champion is honestly still hard for me to grasp. Walk the Cooee Way for me is something that we award to someone who has lived the Cooee Values: Authenticity, when you stick to staying true to yourself no matter what the situation is; Empathy, when you think and feel for others; and Belief in Potential, where the word “perfect” is nonexistent. That’s why it's hard for me to believe that I was nominated for WTCW. But I guess that’s just how it works. People around you know who you were before; they see the process of your growth, and when they mention it, you’ll just be surprised at how much you’ve transformed from Version 1 Self to your Better Version 2 Self.

For me, the journey to transformation never stops. You should always strive to be the best version of yourself. It will never be an easy journey but it's going to be worth it. Let’s also remember that every action we make has an impact on who we are to ourselves and to others.

I will forever be grateful to Cooee, as it has helped me transform to who I am today. Our values aren’t just random words. When you step into Cooee, the values become something that you will learn to live with every day. It's something that will help each and everyone of us transform.

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